Our aim with the newly launched, stunning Q Active speaker range was to make it compatible with today's most innovative, liked-minded music services - one of which is Roon. Just as our Q Active models were certified Roon Ready, the company dropped their stunning new 1.8 software update.
So what is Roon? Top level, it's a whole home, multi-music platform. Roon makes it easy to access your digital music collection from different sources in one place and stream to your Q Active system. For example, it aggregates your digital music files stored on a hard-drive, computer or NAS drive and will pull in your subscription to hi-res streaming services such as Tidal and Qobuz, all accessible from an intuitive, easy to navigate app interface. But that's only just touched the surface of what this immersive music platform offers the music fan.
Roon allows you to fully engage with your music collection by delivering deeper personalisation and sophisticated music discovery. Elsewhere, Audiophiles can tweak the sound through equalisation settings or room correction to get the best quality sound from their Q Active speaker. It's also been shaped by the Roon user-community, whose input have been invaluable during its development. So, what does the latest version of this powerful software deliver? Here's the lowdown on Roon 1.8:
New look and feel
Now boasting a fresh new visual design that takes inspiration from the airy feel of a museum and classic music magazine typography, the layout will make engaging with your music collection more appealing and intuitive.
Deep dive search
Roon has always been about exploring your own music, but now it goes beyond your library, giving you a 360-degrees view of artists, genre, performers, and composers as well as wider search parameters that include performer, producer, composer, label and more.
Valence: Roon's recommendations virtuso
At the heart of Roon sits Valence, Roon's recommendation system that goes beyond your typical "algorithmic recommendations" from popular streaming services. Drawing on its deep metadata and understanding of over 100,000 expert listeners, Valence now makes suggestions based not only on context but also on your taste. Recommendations are tailored just for you and you can help this tool make even more insightful suggestions by rating each song recommendation.
Cooking on classical gas
Trying to find specific classical recordings can be a minefield. Room now features a new visual design and information layout to make this deep dive easier. Valence now connects the relationships between composers, conductors, and performers - and helps uncover the no-name releases.
To discover more about the Roon visit roonlabs.com
To discover more about the Roon Ready Q Acoustics Q Active range visit www.qacoustics.co.uk/activerange